Plan of Action

The Arts: Year 9
Visual Art
Knowledge and Understanding:Visual art involves manipulating visual arts elements, concepts, processes and forms (both 2D and 3D to express ideas, considering specific audiences and specific purposes, through images and objects.
10 Week Unit of work: “A biosphere for the future”

In September 2007 The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation named the region formally known as the Noosa Shire Council a biosphere region. Part of the biosphere status is exploring how humans interact with the environment. It is important not only that man nurtures nature but that nature nurtures man. This unit will see students explore the possibility of science and arts working together to produce a better world for the future by exploring the concept of human excess in relation to the environment. Students will join online communities and explore the concept of human excess in a broad sense before turning their focus on human excess and the environment. Students will need to use their artwork as a communication tool to alert people to society’s problems of human excess and display their work as part of an art exhibition at the annual Noosa Biosphere Day on September 18. ICTs will be used to enhance traditional art mediums and transform them into multimodal artworks.

1. What your learners will be learning and demonstrating at the end
Learners will enhance their knowledge and understanding of Visual art through active engagement, both individually and collaboratively using ICTs as integral to enhancing, supporting, extending and transforming student learning. Learning will be focuses on the following topics/themes as per the essential learnings for Year 9 visual arts:
  • Ideas are researched to inform visual responses that consider social and cultural issues.
    Eg. Using ideas about the history of cultural contact in Australia to inform a sculptural response promoting reconciliation
  • Design and visual documentation are used to develop images and objects from visual, verbal and tactile stimuli
    Eg. Creating a folio of work that is a conscious record of personal thoughts, feelings and ideas
  • Media areas are used in isolation and in combination to make art works
    Eg. Using animated sculptural forms in an installation
  • Visual arts elements and concepts in combination are used to create compositions
    Eg. Combining a sequence of non-representational shapes in a lino print to symbolize cultural belonging
Through the essential processes of Ways of working students will be able to demonstrate at the end how they:
  • Make decisions about art elements, languages and cultural protocols in relation to specific style, function, audience and purpose of the art works
  • Create and shape art works by manipulating art elements to express meaning in different contexts
  • Modify and refine genre-specific art works, using interpretive and technical skills
  • Present art works to particular audiences for a specific purpose, style and function, using genre-specific media techniques, skills, processes and cultural protocols
  • Identify risks and devise and apply safe practices
  • Respond by deconstructing arts works in relation to social, cultural, historical, spiritual, political, technological and economic contexts, using art elements and languages
  • Reflect on learning, applying new understandings and justify future applications

2. What the learners will be doing
  • With a focus on “excess” in the environment, students will research artists, artworks and art movements that make representations and expressions relating to the topic.
  • Using the web as a key tool for authentic research, students will get involved in group discussions, forums, wikis and have online conversations with industry specialists.
  • Students will brainstorm possible ideas and develop these for their response to “excess”, documenting their journey on an art blog, posting images, digital photographs, mind maps and reflections.
  • Students will need to translate their chosen focus into a final art work to exhibit at the annual Noosa Biosphere Day on September 18.
  • Learners will actively work in groups and as individuals to complete the unit of work. 
They will utilise traditional mediums and enhance and transform these using ICTs to make the artwork multimodal. At the end of this unit of work the students will be able to:
(Procedural Knowledge – What they will be able to do):
  • P1 - Make decisions about arts elements, languages and cultural protocols in relation to specific style, function, audience and purpose of arts works
  • P2 - Interact as a member of an online community as an inquiry strategy to discuss, compare and clarify ideas and to discover specialised information
  • P3 - Develop animated sequences using animation software to present the dynamic interaction and movement of objects
  • P4 - Create digital concept mapping and project management tools to plan and organise tasks and resources when creating a digital product
  • P5 - Manage time effectively and follow a timeline of learning outcomes
  • P6 - Create and shape art works by manipulating arts elements to express meaning in different contexts
  • P7 - Modify and refine genre-specific arts works, using interpretive and technical skills
  • P8 - Present art works to particular audiences for a specific purpose, style and function, using genre-specific arts techniques, skills, processes and cultural protocols
  • P9 - Identify risks and devise and apply safe practices
  • P10 - Respond by deconstructing art works in relation to social, cultural, historical, spiritual, political, technological and economic contexts, using arts elements and languages
  • P11 - Reflect on learning, applying new understandings and justify future applications
  • P12 - Create relevant arts works utilizing ICTs
  • P13 - Create a podcast to coincide with their final art work and act as an audio artists statement
  • P14 - Build a website as a class to showcase work and podcasts
  • P15 - Use social networking as a communication tool to alert school friends and members of the community about the upcoming art exhibition

The learner will know:
(Declarative Knowledge – What they know)
  • D1 - What Excess is
  • D2 - That Humans are excessive
  • D3 - That humans are excessive within different contexts
  • D4 - That Humans are excessive in relation to the environment

3. How is ICT embedded into the unit/learning sequence and what it is used for?
ICTs are integral to the success of this unit of work. They will be used to enhance, extend and transform learning.
  • A class wiki will be used as a resource for students. On the wiki they can find all the class resources from week to week lessons containing tutorials, podcasts etc. The students will also have a page where they can contribute information and responses to various questions.
  • Outside of class hours, students can post questions into the wiki and the teacher will answer these allowing the student to get feedback without having to wait for the next class.
  • Students will be conversing with artists both locally and internationally in an online forum format. They will also be adding and becoming involved with industry blogs, following these on their own blogs.
  • Students will be building their own blog as a place to reflect, post research and follow industry professionals and artists blogs to become a part of the greater art community.
  • Podcasts will be created and uploaded to a website especially made for the exhibition. Interested parties can visit and download podcasts of artist’s statements before they arrive at the exhibition. When they arrive they can observe the piece with audio.
  • Premier Pro and After Effects will be used to enhance artwork and allow it to become multimodal.
  • You Tube will be used in the research phases
  • Students will be able to communicate with each other outside of class hours either through their blogs or on the class wiki
  • Students will have access to multimedia tutorials to learn Premier Pro and After Effects.
  • The internet will be used to conduct deep research

4. How will they be doing it? (an overview)
Students will work in a group situation to brainstorm ideas on excess and once they have a focus will work individually on an artwork whilst still maintaining online relationships to gain feedback and test their artworks.
Untitled Document
Sequence Specific Outcomes Focus Title Main DoL Focus ICTs / Resources Time Frame
Declarative Knowledge 1-3 Procedural Knowledge 10, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11 Knowledge and understanding of what excess is and how it relates to humans -Round Robin activity to get ideas down and then creating online mind maps to refine new ideas -Students will begin their blog and start making daily reflections. -Explore artists that communicate excess Beyond Excess DOL 2 – Aquire & Integrate Knowledge

- Online mind maps -Internet for research
-Create a blog
-use you tube for research
-Wikis used for student contribution to class discussions
-Wiki used for any questions outside of class

Declarative Knowledge 4 Procedural Knowledge 4, 7, 1, 2, 5, 10, 11 Humans are excessive in relation to the environment. Explore floating land, the artists and how they use their artwork to alert people to society’s problem of human excess -Visit Floating land and take digital photos. Post these to your blog analysing and evaluating -Get involved with online discussions on the relevant blogs for floating land -While the kids are at floating land they are allowed to explore independently, mobiles will be used to txt when it is time to regroup Excess in your own backyard DOL 3 - Extend and Refine Knowledge - Digital photographs
- Blogs used for online discussion
-Mobile phones will be utilised on a class excursion for communication
-To capture movement in artworks on excursion, students can film and upload to blog
-Wiki used for class discussions
-Blog used to host reflections
Procedural Knowledge 1,2, 11, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 Define and negotiate an explicit focus within environmental excess. Reflect on your research and explorations and document this on the blog Environmental Excess DOL 3 – Extend and Refine Knowledge -internet will be used for research
-Share ideas on online wiki
Procedural Knowledge 1,2,3,5,6,7, 9, 10, 12,11 Translate the focus into an artwork. Extend and develop the chosen media and technique exploration and reflection with focus on alerting people to society’s problem of human environmental excess. -Teach how to use premier pro so the students can deepen their message with video. -Teach how to animate in after effects for multimedia messages Postive Excess DOL 3 – Extend and Refine Knowledge DOL 4 – Use Knowledge Meaningfully -Traditional art mediums will be explored, ICTs will be used to enhance and make traditional artforms multimodal
-Online tutorials in Adobe products
-Students continue using blog as a means of reflection
Procedural Knowledge 11, 8, 1 Resolve the final artwork and write an artists statement Social Comment DOL 4 - Use knowledge meaningfully - Students may need to send artwork via ftps to get printed
- Questions outside of class to be answer on the class wiki
Procedural Knowledge 8,13,14,15 Final preparation for artwork presentation. As a class we need to build a website, posting photos of artworks and uploading podcasts for artists statement. It’s important that the students create a conversation about their work. Upload Excess DOL 4 - Use Knowledge Meaningfully -Audio program used to create a podcast
-Website built to host digital photos and podcasts
-Students use social networking to tell their friends about their upcoming exhibition

5. What the final product will be and who it will be for (remember the authentic context)
At the end of this unit of work students will “present art works to particular audiences for a specific purpose, style and function, using genre-specific arts techniques, skills, processes and cultural protocols”(Ways of Working, The Essential Learnings by the end of Year 9). To give the unit an authentic context and outcome the students will present their response to the focus “environmental excess” at the Annual Biosphere Day art exhibition. Members of the community who share similar concern about environmental issues will attend this event. The Exhibition will be publicised in the local media to reach a broader audience.
6. How you will align your unit with Bloom’s Taxonomy to support a focus on higher order thinking
All of the frameworks and models we have touched on in this course such as Bloom’s revised Taxonomy, learning Engagement Theory, Authentic Elearning and Tom’s webquest 2.0 align and support learners thinking to be using higher order thinking. Thinking routines encourage higher order thinking and Tom’s webquest 2.0 provides a framework to support this process.
Authentic e-learning is built on the principles of Learning Engagement Theory and take thinking from knowledge deepening through to knowledge creation.
If these frameworks are used to support elearning design then supporting Higher Order Thinking is inevitable.
Class activities encourage higher order thinking with questions such as:
  • Discuss the similarities and differences between each artists approach particularly to their choice of medium
  • Which artists approach do you think is more effective as a communicative tool?