Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) are integral in transforming the "what", "how", "when" and "where" of learning in the 21st century. When eLearning is designed effectively it has the potential to enhance, support, extend and transform student learning.
This webpage is an overview of how eLearning design can enhance, support, extend and transform student learning in a year 9 visual art class in a unit called "A Biosphere for the future".

This unit of work is based on the fundamental principles of Learning Engagement Theory. To summarise:
'Relate' - Students collaborate in online environments to share workload and gain exposure to richer learning experiences (Click here to view the class wiki)
'Create' - The students respond to their focus by creating an individual artwork
'Donate' - The original artworks created by the students are displayed for the public at an exhibition to begin conversations about environmental excess

An Overview: In September 2007 The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation named the region formally known as the Noosa Shire Council a biosphere region. Part of the biosphere status is exploring how humans interact with the environment. It is important not only that man nurtures nature but that nature nurtures man. This unit will see students explore the possibility of science and arts working together to produce a better world for the future by exploring the concept of human excess in relation to the environment. Students will join online communities and explore the concept of human excess in a broad sense before turning their focus on human excess and the environment. Students will need to use their artwork as a communication tool to alert people to society’s problems of human excess and display their work as part of an art exhibition at the annual Noosa Biosphere Day on September 18. ICTs will be used to enhance traditional art mediums and transform them into multimodal artworks.

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